Have you planned your late August? Do you love biking or are you mustering your courage to set with us on this adventure? Don’t worry, we’ve done this program 3 times already, and no one was left behind. It’s a fun, unforgettable unique experience. To bike down such a beautiful region is a great challenge, the type you’ll remember forever and relive proudly. Let’s pedal away on this adventure.
In 2016 Pranima is renewing it’s four years old project, a biking Camp. Taking advantage of the recent development of the “Ecovias de Portugal” (cyclotourism trails), starting from Lisbon we will rekindle this project, that has sparked so many compliments in previous years due to it’s innovation, differentiation and team spirit of having a Biking Camp in Portugal. This year we will pedal from Odeceixe to Aljezur, enjoying the breathtaking scenery of the Portuguese Vicentine Coast. We will have 8 days of cycling, physical activity, emotions and discovery, all in complete safety. This Camp will provide – through it’s logistics alone – a great spirit of camaraderie, fun, fantastical landscapes and will certainly become a talking point for many years as an amazing life experience. All pathways tested are already prepared to be occupied by the participants, demanding the same average level bike.
The coastal strip begins in Odeceixe , where the preserved nature has a strong, wild character, which translates into landscapes of stunning grandeur.
The beaches follow one another, sometimes with long losing sight of sand or smaller framed by grandiose cliffs of shale and limestone. The sea, agitated, produces a natural symphony, which serves as a soundtrack to this tour by the sea.
Pranima invites you to venture forth in this amazing trail in a unique program that will show you the south filled with breathtaking landscapes, amazing flavours and guaranteed adventure.
Youngsters from 13 to 18 years of age.
Schedule / Shifts
From 20 to 27th of August
Transport will be done mostly by bicycle, and by Bus/Train From Lisbon.
Pranima will handle all transport logistics.
All participants will have five meals: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and supper.
Meals will be in restaurants, cantinas, or cooked by certified professionals in the Camps certified kitchen, with utmost quality (stemming from previous year’s experience) and with detailed care as to provide a balanced set of meals for youngsters. Participants will also be encouraged to engage in cooking some meals, namely barbecues and picnics, always under the supporting eye of the pedagogical team.
The pedagogical team will be comprised of one Coordinator with experience in organizing Camp logistics, and several Monitors / Animators with specialized training. The team will have a variable number of members dependent on the number of participants, with an average of one monitor per 7/8 participants. This Camp will also have the support of local monitors and local entities. Extra monitors and an assistant Coordinator may reinforce the team when needed.
As this will be a travelling Camp, lodging will vary according to location, ranging from Youth Hostels to local Agro-Tourism facilities and summer Camps with which Pranima has had first hand experience with, and provide all the facilities needed for comfort and quality standards, as well as safety standards. Camping grounds may also be used for one or two nights, in order to provide an additional experience to our participants.
Proposed activities:
Note 1: All activities will be developed with a travel Camp spirit
Mandatory Technical Equipment:
Recommended Technical Equipment:
Pranima will be responsible for providing and maintaining the Bicycles and will contact parents/guardians asking for the participant’s measurements, in order to provide a bike that is fit for each. The trails will be of an average/low intensity and the trails will be explained in these pages. However, Pranima will safeguard transport and constant monitoring of all participants, respecting each one’s level of resilience.
Specific Goals:
The price for this activity is 545€ per participant with the possibility of paying until 7 months
Payments methods accepted are bank transfer and bank checks endorsed to Pranima.
Enrollment should be done in Online Enrollment
For more informations contact us:
Pranima Office: +351 211 919 259
Pranima Email: info@pranima.org
Pranima Site: www.pranimainternational.com
General Coordination: João Rodrigues
João Mobile Phone : +351 912 747 126
Email João: joao@pranima.org